A Pilgrimage To The Beit Hamikdash

Author: Mordechai Halamish
Illustrated by: Dovid Bichman

Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description
Beautiful and innovative!

Teach your children about the mitzva of Bikkurim and Aliya L'regel in this fun book. Fully illustrated, the story follows one families excitement and participation in the yearly mitzva of Bikkurim in the time of the Beit Hamikdash. Drawing on midrashim and Rambam for accuracy, the story and the pictures will leave your children enthralled by Elchanan and Chaim's adventures.

Includes source notes for all the Chazal quoted, an approbation from the Beit Din of Harav Nissen Karelitz, and a glossary of hebrew words.

Hardcover, 77 pages.

Price: $19.99

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