Tragedy and Rebirth

Author: Rabbi Joseph Elias / Rabbi Yaakov Astor
Publisher: Shaar Press

Transmitting the History and Messages of Churban Europa to a New Generation

Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description
An important work of history. A vital book of hashkafah.

Our gedolim have made it clear that we owe it to ourselves, to the generation that suffered under Nazi brutality and, perhaps most of all, to future generations, to study the Holocaust through the prism of Torah and emunah. Written by a renowned educator, Tragedy and Rebirth gives us the tools to begin to deal with the issues, and, even more important, the questions that come up when we learn about the Holocaust.

Tragedy and Rebirth includes chapters on:

Historical background of the Holocaust

Searching for hashgachah, Divine Providence, in a time of concealment

Spiritual resistance

Hatzalah - rescue activities

Dealing with questions about the Holocaust

The miracle of Jewish survival and the rebuilding

Every chapter includes excerpts from important books on the subject, including many eyewitness accounts, a recommended reading list for further study.

About the author: Rabbi Joseph Elias was born in Germany and has been one of the American Torah community's most distinguished thinkers, educators, and authors for over sixty years. Among his other accomplishments, he led Yeshiva Beth Yehudah in Detroit, Rika Breuer Teachers Seminary in New York, and founded Torah Umesorah's Zechor Yemos Olam Holocaust education project.

Price: $22.49

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