Real Questions... Real Answers, 6 CD-Rom Set

Publisher: Association for Jewish Outreach Programs

Answers to The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Judaism - A 6 CD-Rom Set (Windows only)

Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description
Never in history have so many Jews had so many questions about their religion, their heritage and their identity. Good questions, honest questions, real questions. This unique CD set brings together twelve of the most highly regarded individuals in the Jewish world - people who for years have been addressing literally thousands of questions posed by thousands of real people, with real questions.

Prominent figures featured include HaRav Shmuel Kamanetzky, HaRav Noah Weinberg, Rav Mordechai Becher, Rav Beryl Gershenfeld, Rav Rueven Leuchter, Rav Yerachmiel Milstein and more...

    Sample Questions:
  • Isn't the idea that we are the Chose People elitist or even racist?
  • Why does a man say the blessing of "shelo asani isha" while a woman says "sheasani kirtzono"?
  • How can I believe in G-d when there is so much suffering in the world? How could G-d have allowed the Holocaust?
  • What is G-d's attitude toward the non-Jew?
  • Why should I marry a Jew?
  • Do you believe that Orthodox Judaism is the only valid form of Judaism?
  • Aren't Conservative and Reform Judaism also valid expressions of the Jewish religion?
  • Hypocrisy: Am I not worse off if I know and don't do than if I simply remain ignorant?
  • Why must women dress modestly?
  • Won't Judaism stifle my individuality and creativity?
  • How do I know the Torah was really given on Sinai?
  • How can observant Jews do bad things?
  • Why did G-d choose the Jewish Nation?
  • What is wrong with Christianity and Islam?
  • What is the fundamental difference between them and Judaism?
  • What if my partner intends to convert?

Price: $53.99

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