Gates of Awe

Author: Howard Bogot, Robert Orkand and Joyce Orkand
Publisher: CCAR Press

Holy Day Prayers for Very Young Children

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Product Description
The second in a series of prayerbooks for pre-schoolers, Gates of Awe contains rich and enchanting illustrations combined with a poetic text that enhance the sense of awe that can be found during the Holy Days. The special qualities of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are skillfully introduced to young worshippers through the inspiration of prayer, the excitement of the Shofar and the lessons in the stories of Abraham and Torah. With this book, children will begin to discover the wonder and awe that the Holy Days evoke in all Jewish people.

Hardcover with color jacket, 62 pages, 25 color illustrations

Illustrated by Neil Waldman and designed by Barry Nostradamus Sher

Price: $8.95

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