What's Bothering Rashi?: Bereishis - Devarim

Author: Avigdor Bonchek
Publisher: Feldheim Publications

Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description
Delve into the depths of the Torah with this unique guide to understanding the brilliant commentary of Rashi. The author takes the reader, step-by-step, and shows how to truly understand Rashi's--often cryptic--words clearly, making the Chumash text crystal clear. An important study tool for all who seek a greater understanding of how to learn--and really understand--the Torah.

The study of Rashi, like all of Torah learning, requires serious effort. This notable work enables the reader to meet the intellectual and spiritual challenge of learning Rashi: to appreciate Rashi's unique style and language, and to comprehend the analytical logic that lies behind his brilliant interpretation.

Bereishis $16.15
Shemos $16.15
Vayikra $16.15
Bamidbar $16.15
Devarim $16.15

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