Above All Else, Volume 1

Author: Bais Yechiel
Publisher: Feldheim Publications

The Chofetz Chaim Anthology on Torah Study

Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description
Over the past thirty years, thousands upon thousands of Torah students have studied from the well-known wod Kuntres Talmud Torah (the Chofetz Chaim's writings on Torah study), which has become a virtual learning companion to lomdei Torah the world over. Maran HaGaon HaRav Eliezer Menachem Mann Shach, ztz"l, wrote: This book is very, very vital!

With the help of Heaven, we are pleased to present to the English-speaking public this translation of the newly-published second volume of Kuntres Talmud Torah.

Written in the Chofetz Chaim's style of simple, easy-to-read language, all will benefit from his insightful observations, clear explanations, and penetrating words of chizuk on the topic of the importance of Torah study.

In this first of two volumes, the Chofetz Chaim focuses on the importance ov valuing time vis-a-vis Torah study. Through these essays, the reader will come to appreciate even more that Torah study is Above All Else!.

Price: $17.99

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