Tefillin And Mezuzos: A Pictorial Guide

Author: Yerachmiel Askotzky
Publisher: Targum Press

A Sofer shows you how to choose, maintain and understand your tefillin, mezuzos and Torah scrolls.

Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description
What do we need to know about the tefillin and mezuzos that we use every day? When we're shopping for new tefillin and mezuzos, what should we be looking for? Why is a computer examination necessary for tefillin that we've used for many years? Is it safe to buy mezuzos and tefillin on-line? What is the significance of the different styles of handwritting used for tefillin and mezuzos? How do we maintain our tefillin so that they are not damaged over time?

Rabbi Yerachmiel Askotzky gives the answer to these and many other questions in this profusely illustrated guide.

Price: $22.99

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