Going Kosher in 30 Days!

Author: Rabbi Zalman Goldstein
Publisher: Distributed by Feldheim

An Easy Step-By-Step Guide for the Rest of Us

Product Description
Going Kosher in 30 Days was written with the newcomer in mind. Each day, for thirty days, you will learn another aspect of kosher living. Ultimately, you will understand how to keep kosher in a way that leads to both physical satisfaction and deeper spiritual fulfillment.

This handy practical guide book covers topics such as the history and origin of kosher law, definitions of common kosher terms, transforming the kitchen, and shopping kosher. It includes personal accounts of individuals who decided to keep kosher and how this change has affected their lives. It is a down-to-earth introduction to kosher that will help you launch your own path to kosher observance at your own pace, and all in one book!

Price: $10.75

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