Flames of Faith: Introduction to Chassidic thought

Author: Rabbi Zev Reichman

Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description
Revitalize your Judaism with this compelling introduction to the warmth and inspiration of Chassidic thought.

Chassidus emerged in the 18th century as a protection from the storm winds of modernity. If anything, today the situation has only worsened. Intermarriage is rampant and assimilation the norm. Sometimes even observant Jews find that their religious observance has become habitual and uninspired.

In this eye-opening new book, Rabbi Zev Reichman opens up the world of Chassidic literature and reveals the depth and soulful vitality that pervade Chassidic thought. Read it and discover the heartfelt passion of Chassidism and open the door to new dimensions of observance, piety and study.

Adapted from the Torah classes of Rav Moshe Wolfson, shlit"a

Price: $19.99

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