Shabbat: A Family Service

Author: Rabbi Judith Z. Abrams
Publisher: Kar-Ben Publishing

Illustrated by Katherine Kahn
24 pp. 7x10 Ages 5-10

Product Description

Simple. poetic language and full-color pictures bring to life the central concepts of Shabbat. Young children will learn to understand the structure as well as the content of the service, which includes the Barechu, the Shema and its blessings, the Amidah, Aleinu, and an optional Torah service. Prayers for happy and sad occasions, kaddish, and a short Havdallah service. Full color.

During the thirty years of my rabbinic career, I have never seen a similar volume as thoughtfully conceived and beautifully executed. You have created an exquisite gem and all of us are in your debt.

-- Rabbi B. Sobel, Senior Rabbi,
Congregation Emanu-El

Price: $3.99

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