The Vision Of Eden

Author: David Sears
Publisher: Orot, Inc.

Orthodox Orthodox

Product Description
The Vision of Eden presents a Jewish view of the universe, drawing upon both Talmudic and Kabbalistic sources, with a special focus on the issues of animal welfare and vegetarianism. While sympathetic to vegetarianism, the author has created a comprehensive anthology that presents a wide range of material representing multiple points of view. Much of this material has never before been translated, including copious selections from the writings of the Chassidic masters and Rav Abraham Isaac Kook.

Rabbinic approbations:

Every reader of this unique and holy book will benefit extensively from it. Indeed, this book, The Vision of Eden, makes one feel that he has been handed a key to open the closed gates of the Garden of Eden that were shut to us ever since Adam was expelled, and the angels with swords in hand surrounded it, preventing us even from knocking on its gates, let alone entering it…
Rabbi Shear-Yashuv Cohen, Chief Rabbi of Haifa

The Torah teaches compassion for every living creature. To study its detail is to study the essence of God. Rabbi Sears has done extensive and valuable research into a topic the world depends on for its existence…
Rabbi Yaacov Haber, Monsey, NY

Price: $26.99

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