A New Kabbalah for Women

Author: Perle Besserman
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd

Product Description
The red bracelet: it graces the wrists of numerous celebrities - from Madonna to Britney Spears - who have converted to the spiritual practice of Kabbalah. But what is Kabbalah and how can women apply it to their own lives?

In A New Kabbalah for Women, bestselling author and teacher of Jewish mysticism and meditation, Perle Besserman, shares a feminine approach to spirituality. Since the time of Moses, Jewish mysticism has been barred to women, and Shekhinah, the feminine side of God, has been forced underground. Now, many women are adapting traditional mystical practices in radical new ways. Besserman is at the forefront of this revolution. In this book she traces the history of female-centered worship and tells the story of searching for her own path to truth. Combining practices from the Kabbalah with meditation, Besserman walks readers through step-by-step rituals to find their own personal connection with the divine.

"What a profound gift Ms. Besserman has given us. She describes the journey back to the divine feminine, back to ourselves. I was brought up Southern Baptist, so I found the specifics of Judiasm and the Kabbalah fascinating. However, what spoke to me more was the universal journey of innocently buying in, questioning, rejecting, exploring other paths and finally being called back home to the truth of the Spirit which was always there, hiding under the heavy coat pile of other people's interpretation. Ms. Besserman reminds us that it is through direct experience in the body that we women know God in ourselves."
--Robin Carnes, co-author of Sacred Circles: A Guide to Creating Women's Spirituality Groups

Price: $19.99

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