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Home > Books > Death & Mourning
Death and Bereavement 
Author: Rabbi Abner Weiss, Ph.D.
Publisher: Orthodox Union

A Halakhic Guide

Orthodox Orthodox

List Price: $21.99
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Hardcover $22.49
Softcover $19.79

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Product Description
Everyone hopes that this book will never be needed, but everyone knows that it will be -- and when the time comes, it is indispensable. Of all the books on the Jewish outlook on death and bereavement, probably none is as complete as this one. It offers the comforting, caressing hand of faith and spiritual strength, but there is much, much more.

Among its many features are: detailed checklists of the halakhic laws and customs, special prayers to be said in the hospital and at the sickbed, the cemetery service, and prayers and customs for the house of mourning. It contains legal forms for a last will and testament and for the sale of one’s business for the shivah week, where such a course is necessary.

An additional feature is a section including fifty mishnayos, translated and explained, with suggestions on how they can be personalized not only for the house of mourning, but also to assist in composing eulogies.

In short, this is a book that considers virtually all the needs of mourners and participants -- not surprisingly, since it was composed by a man with uncommon sensitivity and experience. The Orthodox Union is proud to present and recommend this magnificent volume to rabbis and laymen, to anyone who must help or participate in those sad moments that inevitably cloud every life.

Rabbi Abner Weiss, Ph.D., is the Minister of Religion at the Western Marble Arch Synagogue in London, England. Rabbi Dr. Weiss also serves as the Principal of the London School of Jewish Studies (formerly Jews College), where he is in charge of the graduate and doctorate programs and the Semichah program within the United Kingdom. Previously, he was the spiritual leader of Beth Jacob Congregation in Beverly Hills, California for 15 years and a judge on the Beth Din of Los Angeles. He holds two doctorates: one in clinical psychology and one in philosophy. 

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