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Home > Books > Mussar
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Author: Rabbi Yissocher Frand
Publisher: Artscroll Mesorah

Observations on contemporary Jewish life

Orthodox Orthodox

List Price: $24.99
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Our Price: $22.49

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Product Description
This is a book that will open eyes and penetrate hearts. It will influence behavior and elevate aspirations. It will make a positive difference in people's lives. The author knows what bothers people. He deals with troubling and vital issues: the modern scourge of cynicism, parent's struggle with shidduchim, the tension between a Torah life and a bottom line society, preservation of life in an HMO-dominated society. Rabbi Frand finds these issues in the wellsprings of the Torah, halachah, and the profound ideas of our sages and teachers. He articulates them in a way that will ease the hearts of multitudes that seek constructive guidance. 
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