What beracha was recited upon eating the manna? Which parent chooses the name of a child? How does one extend the dalet of the word Echad in Kerias Shema? How did the Vilna Gaon use mice to determine the beracha on rice? Does a Bar mitzvah recite shehecheyanu the first time he puts on tefillin? Is there a spiritual advantage to eating the fruit of Eretz Yisrael? When can nine and a half Jews be considered a minyan? A gentile who ate a filling meal and then converted to Judaism: need he recite birkas hamazon? Why didn't Rav Chaim of Volozhin sing Tzur mi-Shelo achalnu

These and other topics are examined, revealing the fascinating panorama of Torah wisdom in Maseches Berachos.">
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Home > Books > Talmud, Gemarah > Books On Talmud
Meoros Hadaf Hayomi 
Publisher: Feldheim Publishers

Produced by the Beis Medrash for Maggidei Shiur of Daf Yomi at the Beis Medrash Chasidei Sochatchov

Orthodox Orthodox

List Price: $15.99
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Product Description
Meoros Hadaf Hayomi Institute's weekly Torah leaflets, in Hebrew and English, have become one of the most avidly followed Torah periodicals in Eretz Yisrael and abroad. To numerous Daf Yomi participants around the world, these circulars are an inseparable companion to their study of one daf of Gemara each day - two million copies are printed each year.

Now, for the first time, the Torah insights from the leaflets on Maseches Berachos have been collected and arranged into one English volume.

This is a sefer to be enjoyed by people of all backgrounds and all levels of learning - each person finds in it what he desires. Topics discussed in the Talmud come alive, as their application to practical halachah and Jewish thought are explored.

 What beracha was recited upon eating the manna? Which parent chooses the name of a child? How does one extend the dalet of the word Echad in Kerias Shema? How did the Vilna Gaon use mice to determine the beracha on rice? Does a Bar mitzvah recite shehecheyanu the first time he puts on tefillin? Is there a spiritual advantage to eating the fruit of Eretz Yisrael? When can nine and a half Jews be considered a minyan? A gentile who ate a filling meal and then converted to Judaism: need he recite birkas hamazon? Why didn't Rav Chaim of Volozhin sing Tzur mi-Shelo achalnu? 

These and other topics are examined, revealing the fascinating panorama of Torah wisdom in Maseches Berachos. 

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