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Home > Books > Instructionl - Teaching
Child & Domestic Abuse, vol 1 & 2 
Author: R’ Dr Daniel Eidensohn and Dr Baruch Shulem
Publisher: Daas Torah

Torah, Psychological,& Legal Perspectives

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Orthodox Orthodox

List Price: $49.99
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Product Description
Volume I

1. Overview & summary: survey of the major issues of abuse as well providing a concise summary of practical concerns. It includes an Introduction, Practical Guide, Protocols of Orthodox Organizations for dealing with abuse and a Synopsis of the halachic and psychological issues that was reviewed and annotated by Rav Sternbuch. It also has chapters describing a number of actual abuse cases – including those written by survivors of abuse.

2. The Essays provide in depth analysis of a variety topics by experts (rabbis, psychotherapists and lawyers) who share their knowledge and experience on critical issues.

Volume II

3. Translated Sources arranged by Topic is a comprehensive collection of Jewish legal sources that are organized according to topic for quick access on the major issues. These texts concern the need to protect the individual as well as his right to protect himself. It contains many texts related to child and domestic abuse, rabbinic authority, the relationship between Jewish and secular law and authority, and the Jewish view of sexuality and deviance. It is indispensable for those who wish to learn and understand the original legal sources. It also serves as a convenient and accessible reference for rabbis who wish to review and refresh their understanding. Lawyers, community leaders and psychologists will also find it useful to understand the parameters of legitimate response when developing strategies to deal with the problem. The third section presents the accepted mainstream views on the topic — including the authoritative writings of the major contemporary authorities.


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