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Home > Books > Men
Author: Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein
Publisher: Ktav

Orthodox Orthodox

List Price: $35.00
Our Price: $35.00

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Product Description
Moses, master prophet and teacher, devoted the lion’s share of his career to his role as leader of Israel. MOSES: ENVOY OF GOD, ENVOY OF HIS PEOPLE follows the path of Moses’ development as a leader from the moment he appears on the scene as a young lad in Egypt until his departing farewell address to his flock. The book details crisis and commitment, frustration and doubt, selfless devotion and identification, along with trust and alienation. All of the relevant episodes, from the first encounter between Moses and the quarreling slaves to his dealings with the second generations are analyzed and examined, from the perspective of the relationships between the leader and the people. The method of interpretation is based upon a literary analysis of the text that attempts to delve into the inner world of the leader and his interactions with the people. The result is a Medrash oriented approach that creates a fascinating combination of textual analysis and emotional insight. The book also contains a methodological chapter that spells out the exegetical approach and the philosophical outlook that the literary analysis is based upon.

Rav Mosheh Lichtenstein has been at Yeshivat Har Etzion in Israel since 1992. He came on aliya with his family in 1971 from New York. After high school at Netiv Meir in Jerusalem, he spent a year studying with the Rav zt"l. From 1979-1985, he did hesder at Yeshivat Har Etzion, serving in the Armored Corps. He received Semicha from the Rabbanut and a degree in English Literature from Hebrew University. He also taught at Bruria, an Advanced Program for Women in Jerusalem from 1992-1997.  

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